Academic Journal

Random spanning trees for expanders, sparsifiers, and virtual network security.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Random spanning trees for expanders, sparsifiers, and virtual network security.
Authors: Dolev, Shlomi1 (AUTHOR), Khankin, Daniel1 (AUTHOR)
Superior Title: Computer Communications. Dec2023, Vol. 212, p21-34. 14p.
Subject Terms: *COMPUTER network security, *SOFTWARE-defined networking, SPANNING trees, WEIGHTED graphs, RANDOM graphs, VIRTUAL networks
Abstract: This work describes probabilistic methods for utilizing random spanning trees generated via a random walk process. We generalize a method by Goyal et al. for weighted graphs and show that it is possible to approximate the expansion of every cut in a weighted graph with the union of random spanning trees generated by a random walk on a weighted graph. Particularly, we show that our union of random spanning trees is a spectral sparsifier of the graph, and we show that for 1 n < ϵ ≤ 1 , O (log n / ϵ 2) random spanning trees are required in order to spectrally approximate a bounded degree expander graph. In another part of our research work, we show that our random spanning trees based construction provides security features for virtual networks, in context of Software-Defined Networking. Namely, we demonstrate that our construction allows on-demand efficient monitoring or anonymity services. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Business Source Premier
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