Academic Journal

Application of Multirepresentation-Based Creative Problem-Solving Learning Models to Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Skills for Students.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Application of Multirepresentation-Based Creative Problem-Solving Learning Models to Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Skills for Students.
Authors: Fathonah, Siti1, Cahyono, Edy2, Haryani, Sri2, Sarwi, Sarwi2, Lestari, Noer Hayati1
Superior Title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering & Education (IJCRSEE). 2024, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p185-200. 16p.
Subject Terms: *CREATIVE thinking, *CRITICAL thinking, *LEARNING, *PROBLEM solving, *SCIENCE education, *COMPUTER literacy
Abstract: The 21st-century competencies students need to have include creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, literacy, and numeracy. These competencies can be developed in the learning process in class explicitly. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Multirepresentation Based Creative Problem-Solving (MBCPS) learning model in improving students' critical and creative thinking skills. The MBCPS Model Syntax consists of four stages: 1) problem identification, 2) finding ideas, 3) evaluating ideas with multiple representations (verbal, visual, and mathematical), and 4) validating solutions. The MBCPS model was applied to the experimental group and the Problem-Solving (PS) learning model in the comparison group on four study programs, natural science education. culinary education, public health science, and nutrition science with material on the science of nutrition. The difference between before and after learning was tested by Mann-Whitney, and N-gain tested the effectiveness. The results showed that before learning, there was no difference in critical and creative thinking skills, with a p-value > 0.05 between the experimental group and the comparison group. After learning, there was a very significant difference (p < 0.05). Learning the MBCPS model can improve critical thinking skills with an N-gain of 0.72 (high category) and creative thinking skills with an N-gain of 0.67 (medium category). The MBCPS learning model can be implemented on a broader scale according to the characteristics of complex course material to develop models in the field of education. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Academic Search Premier
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