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Contributors: Ayres, Phil, Ramsgaard Thomsen, Mette, Sheil, Bob, Skavara, Marilena

Superior Title: Fabricate, 5 ; Fabricate 2024

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Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/978-1-80008-634-0; info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/978-1-80008-635-7;; urn:isbn:978-1-80008-634-0; urn:isbn:978-1-80008-635-7

Academic Journal
Academic Journal

Authors: Radovic, Milja

Superior Title: Journal for Religion, Film and Media (JRFM); Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Fiction, Religion and Politics in The Handmaid’s Tale. ; 2617-3697 ; 2414-0201

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Academic Journal

Contributors: Sustainable Construction Materials & Structural Systems Research Group of the Research Institute for Sciences and Engineering (RISE) at the University of Sharjah, UAE.

Superior Title: Civil Engineering Journal; Vol 10, No 4 (2024): April; 1310-1335 ; 2476-3055 ; 2676-6957

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Academic Journal

Superior Title: Política y Sociedad; Vol. 61 No. 1 (2024): Monográfico: El oficio del politólogo; e86939 ; Política y Sociedad; Vol. 61 Núm. 1 (2024): Monográfico: El oficio del politólogo; e86939 ; 1988-3129 ; 1130-8001

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