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Authors: Han, Kuei-Hsiang

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Relation: Review of Development Economics 20(2), p.456-467; Anderson, S.P., A. Palma, and J-F. Thisse, 1997, “Privatization and Efficiency in a Differentiated Industry,” European Economic Review 41, 1635–1654. Barros, F.J., 1995, “Incentive Schemes as Strategic Variables: An Application to a Mixed Duopoly,” International Journal of Industrial Organization 13, 373–386. Chiou, J.R. and H. Hwang, 2006, “The Optimal Government Shareholdings in Public Enterprises in the Process of Privatization,” Taiwan Economic Review 34, 245–259. (in Chinese) De Fraja, G., and F. Delbono, 1989, “Alternative Strategies of a Public Enterprise in Oligopoly,” Oxford Economic Papers 41, 302–311. Del Gatto, M., G. Mion, and G.I.P. Ottaviano, 2007, “Trade Integration, Firm Selection and the Costs of Non-Europe,” Working paper, Mimeo: University of Bologna. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 2000, Transition Report, London: EBRD. Fershtman, C., 1990, “The Interdependence between Ownership Status and Market Structure: The Case of Privatization,” Economica 57, 319–328. Fjell, K. and J.S. Heywood, 2002, “Public Stackelberg Leadership in a Mixed Oligopoly with Foreign Firms,” Australian Economic Papers 41, 267–281. Fujiwara, K., 2007, “Partial Privatization in a Differentiated Mixed Duopoly,” Journal of Economics 92, 51–65. Helpman, E., M.J. Melitz, and S.R. Yeaple, 2004, “Export versus FDI with Heterogeneous Firms,” American Economic Review 94, 300–316. Ishibashi, I., and T. Matsumura, 2006, “R&D Competition between Public and Private Sectors,” European Economic Review 50, 1347–1366. Long, N.V., and F. Stähler, 2009, “Trade Policy and Mixed Enterprises,” Canadian Journal of Economics 42, 590–614. Matsumura, T., 1998, “Partial Privatization in Mixed Duopoly,” Journal of Public Economics 70, 473–483. Melitz, M.J., 2003, “The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity,” Econometrica 71, 1695–1725. Melitz, M.J., and G.I.P. Ottaviano, 2008, “Market Size, Trade, and Productivity,” Review of Economic Studies 75, 295–316. Mukherjee, A., and K. Suetrong, 2009, “Privatization, Strategic Foreign Direct Investment and Host-Country Welfare,” European Economic Review 53, 775–785. Ohori, S., 2004, “Environmental Tax, Trade, and Privatization,” The Kyoto Economic Review 73, 109–120. Pal, D., and M. White, 1998, “Mixed Oligopoly, Privatization and Strategic Trade Policy,” Southern Economic Journal 31, 253–274. Wang, C.C., and J.R. Chiou, 2010, “The Optimal Privatization Policy in the Presence of Environmental Damage,” Academia Economic Papers 38, 61–84. (in Chinese); 全文已下載;;; Enterprise Privatization A General Equilibrium Analysis.pdf


Contributors: 淡江大學經濟學系碩士班, 陳柏儒

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Relation: 參考文獻 劉大年(2017)。美國經濟政策對臺灣之影響。「美國經濟政策對臺灣之影響」座談會。 中華經濟研究。 劉佩真(2017)。川普上任後之全球半導體競合局勢。台灣經濟研究院。 周濟與金慶平(1994)。臺灣 CGE 貿易模型之建立與應用。中華經濟硏究院。 彭淮南(2005)。新台幣匯率持續升值,對產業之生存與發展造成衝擊,應如何因應。 2005年3月14日中央銀行總裁在立法院財政委員會報告。 彭素玲與陳馨蕙(2017)。2016-2017 年臺灣經濟形勢分析與展望。經濟前瞻。(169),16-25。 黃正傑、王忠慶、汪萱蕙、邱昰芳、梁宜峰與郭明洲等人(2016)。美國川普總統政見對台灣各產業的影響。台灣經濟研究院。 Armington, P. S. (1969). A theory of demand for products distinguished by place of production. Staff Papers, 16(1), 159-178. Böhringer, C., Rutherford, T. F., & Wiegard, W. (2004). Computable general equilibrium analysis: Opening a black box. Chou, J., Chu, Y., & Wang, S. (1997). Effects of trade liberalization on taiwan: A computable general equilibrium analysis. Asian Economic Journal, 11(2), 169-186. Debreu, G. (1959). Theory of value: An axiomatic analysis of economic equilibrium. Yale University Press. Dixit, A. (1989). Hysteresis, import penetration, and exchange rate pass-through. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104(2), 205-228. Fofana, I., Lemelin, A., & Cockburn, J. (2002). Balancing a social accounting matrix. Laval: Centre De Recherche En Économie Et Finances Appliquées (CREFA) Université Laval. Hooper, P., & Mann, C. L. (1989). Exchange rate pass-through in the 1980s: The case of US imports of manufactures. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1989(1), 297-337. Johansen, L. (1960). A multi-sectoral study of economic growth JSTOR. PCAST. (2017). Report on ensuring long-term U.S. leadership in semiconductors. Executive Office of the President, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Petersen, T. (1997). An introduction to CGE modelling and an illustrative application to eastern european integration with the EU. Kobenhavns Universitet, Ekonomisk Institut, Master''s Thesis. Robinson, S., Yùnez-Naude, A., Hinojosa-Ojeda, R., Lewis, J. D., & Devarajan, S. (1999). From stylized to applied models: Building multisector CGE models for policy analysis. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 10(1), 5-38. Vaishampayan, S. (2017). Trump''s currency complaints hit unexpected targets. The Wall Street Journal.; U0002-1307201717101400;;


Authors: 許亦楠, Xu, Yi-nan

Contributors: 淡江大學經濟學系碩士班, 鄭東光, Cheng, Tun-Kung

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Contributors: 淡江大學產業經濟學系博士班, 麥朝成

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Contributors: 淡江大學亞洲研究所碩士班, 小山直則, Koyama, Naonori

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