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Academic Journal

Superior Title: IAiE PAN, call no. P 244 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 245 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 243 ; ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 244 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 245 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 243

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Academic Journal

Authors: Ulanowska, Agata

Superior Title: IAiE PAN, call no. P III 149 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 272 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P III 353 ; ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P III 149 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P III 272 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P III 353

Relation: Przegląd Archeologiczny; Alberti M.E. (2017). A measured world? Measures in Minoan daily life. W: A.M. Jasink, J. Weingarten, S. Ferrara (red.), Non-Scribal Communication Media in the Bronze Age Aegean and Surrounding Areas (3-39). Firenze: Periploi 9; Andersson Strand E. (2015). The basics of textile tools and textile technology – from fibre to fabric. W: E. Andersson Strand, M.-L. Nosch (red.), Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age (39-60). Oxford, Philadelphia: Ancient Textiles Series 21; Andersson Strand E., Nosch M.-L. (red.). (2015). Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age. Oxford, Philadelphia: Ancient Textiles Series 21; Andersson Strand E., Breniquet C., Michel C. (2017). Textile imprints on bullae from Kültepe. W: F. Kulakoğlu, G. 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Proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference, University of Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, 21–26 April 2010 (187-192). Leuven, Liège: Aegaeum 33; Burke B (1997). The organization of textile production on Bronze Age Crete. W: R. Laffineur, P.P. Betancourt (red.), ΤΕΧΝΗ, Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age, Proceedings of the 6th International Aegean Conference Philadelphia, Temple University, 18–21 April 1996 (413-422). Liège, Austin: Aegaeum 16; Burke B. (2010). From Minos to Midas: Ancient Cloth Production in the Aegean and in Anatolia. Oxford, Oakville: Ancient Textiles Series 7; Crowley J.L. (2012). Prestige clothing in the Bronze Age Aegean. W: M.-L. Nosch, R. Laffineur (red.), KOSMOS. Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference, University of Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, 21–26 April 2010 (231-238). Leuven, Liège: Aegaeum 33; Cutler J. (2016). Fashioning identity: Weaving technology, dress and cultural change in the Middle and Late Bronze Age southern Aegean. W: E. Gorogianni, P. Pavúk, L. Girella (red.), Beyond Thalassocracies. Understanding Processes of Minoanisation and Mycenaeanisation in the Aegean (172-185). Oxford, Philadelphia: Oxbow Books; †Cutler J. (2019). Arachne’s Web: Women, weaving and networks of knowledge in the Bronze Age southern Aegean. The Annual of the British School of Athens, 114, 1-14.; †Cutler J. (2021 w druku). Crafting Minoanisation: Textiles, Crafts Production and Social Dynamics in the Bronze Age Southern Aegean. Oxford, Philadelphia: Ancient Textile Series 33; Del Freo M., Nosch M.-L., Rougemont F. (2010). The terminology of textiles in the Linear B tablets, including some considerations on Linear A logograms and abbreviations. W: C. Michel, M.-L. Nosch (red.), Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennia BC (338-373). Oxford, Oakville: Ancient Textiles Series 8; Fiandra E. (1968). A che cosa servivano le cretule di Festòs. W: N.M. Panagiotáki (red.), Πεπραγμένα του Β’ Διεθνούς Κρητολογικού Συνεδρίου (383-397). Αθήνα: Εν Αθήναις; Fiandra E. (1975). Ancora a proposito delle cretule di Festòs: connessione tra i sistemi amministrativi centralizzati e l’uso delle cretule nell’età del bronzo. Bollettino d’Arte, 60, 1-25; Grömer K., Kern D. (2010). Technical data and experiments on corded ware. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 3136-3145. 10.1016/j.jas.2010.07.015; Harlow M., Michel C., Nosch, M.-L. (red.) (2014). Prehistoric, Ancient Near Eastern and Aegean Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. Oxford, Philadelphia: Ancient Textiles Series 18; Heath M.C. (1958). Early Helladic clay sealings from the House of the Tiles at Lerna. Hesperia, 27(2), 81-121; Heath Wiencke M. (1969). Further seals and sealings from Lerna. Hesperia, 38(4), 500-521; Heath Wiencke M. (1974). The Lerna Sealings. W: F. Matz (red.), Die kretisch-mykenische Glyptik und ihre gegenwärtigen Probleme (169-163). Boppard: CMS Beiheft 0; Jones B.R. (2015). Ariadne’s Threads: The Construction and Significance of Clothes in the Aegean Bronze Age. Leuven, Liège: Aegaeum 38; Killien J.T. (2007). Cloth production in Late Bronze Age Greece: the documentary evidence. W: C. Gillis, M.-L. Nosch (red.), Ancient Textiles: Production, Craft and Society. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ancient Textiles, held at Lund Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 19–23, 2003 (50-58). Oxford: Ancient Textiles Series 1; Koh A.J., Betancourt P.P, Pareja M.N., Brogan T.M., Apostolakou V. (2016). Organic residue analysis of pottery from the dye workshop at Alatsomouri-Pefka, Crete. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 7, 536-538,; Krzyszkowska O. (2005). Aegean Seals: An Introduction. London: Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 85; Krzyszkowska O. (2019). Some remarks on the use of textiles and organic materials in Minoan sealing practices. London. Opracowanie dla projektu „Tekstylia i pieczęcie” (maszynopis); Krzyszkowska O. (2020). Some remarks on the use of textiles and organic materials in Mycenaean sealing practices. London. Opracowanie dla projektu „Tekstylia i pieczęcie” (maszynopis); Laurito R. (2007a). Cretulae and sealed objects from minor dumping areas in the 4th millennium palace at Arslantepe. W: M. Frangipane (red.), Arslantepe. Cretulae: An Early Centralised Administrative System Before Writing (126-147). Rome: Arslantepe vol. V; Laurito R. (2007b). Ropes and textiles. W: M. Frangipane (red.), Arslantepe. Cretulae: An Early Centralised Administrative System Before Writing (381-394). Rome: Arslantepe vol. V; Manning S.W. (2010). Chronology and terminology. W: E.H. Cline (red.), The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (11-28). Oxford: Oxford University Press; Maran J., Kostoula M. (2014). The spider’s web: Innovation and society in the Early Helladic ‘Period of the Corridor Houses’. W: Y. Galanakis, T. Wilkinson, J. Bennet (red.), ΑΘΥΡΜΑΤΑ. Critical Essays on the Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honour of E. Susan Sherratt (141-158). Oxford: Archaeopress; Margariti C. (2012). Preliminary Report on the Bronze Age Fibre Find from Phaistos: Results of the Study of a Metal Plate with Traces of String (1903.688) from the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. W: M. Andrianakis, P. Varthalitou, I. Tzachili (red.), Αρχαιολογικό έργο Κρήτης 2: Πρακτικά της 2ης Συνάντησης Ρέθυμνο, 26–28 Νοεμβρίου 2010 (213-215). Ρέθυμνο: Εκδόσεις Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης; Margariti C., Nosch M.-L., Skals I. (2012). Preliminary Reprot on the Bronze Age Fibre Find from Phaistos. W: M. Andrianakis, P. Varthalitou, I. Tzachili (red.), Αρχαιολογικό έργο Κρήτης 2: Πρακτικά της 2ης Συνάντησης Ρέθυμνο, 26–28 Νοεμβρίου 2010 (216-218). Ρέθυμνο, Εκδόσεις Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης; Michailidou A. (1990). The lead weights from Akrotiri: the archaeological record. W: D.A. Hardy, C.G. Doumas, J.A. Sakellarakis, P.M. Warren (red.), Thera and the Aegean World III. Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Santorini, 3–9 September 1989 (407-419). London: Thera Foundation; Michałowska M. (2006). Leksykon włókiennictwa. Warszawa: Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków w Warszawie; Militello P. (2007). Textile industry and Minoan palaces. W: C. Gillis, M.-L.B. Nosch (red.), Ancient Textiles, Production, Craft and Society, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ancient Textiles, held at Lund Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 19–23, 2003 (36-45). Oxford: Ancient Textiles Series 1; Müller W. (1997). Terminologie und Typologie der Tonplomben. W: W. Müller, J.-P. Olivier, I. Pini, A. Sakellariou (red.), Die Tonplomben aus dem Nestorpalast von Pylos (53-66). Mainz: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern; Müller W. (1999). Die Tonplomben und andere gestempelte Tonobjekte. W: W. Müller, I. Pini (red.), Iraklion Archäologisches Museum: die Siegelabdrü¬cke von Aj. Triada und anderen zentral- und ostkretischen Fundorten, unter Einbeziehung von Funden aus anderen Museen (339-400). Berlin: CMS II,6; Müller W. (2002). Untersuchungen zur Typologie, Funktion und Verbreitung der Tonplomben von Knossos. W: M.A.V. Gill, W. Müller, I. Pini (red.), Iraklion Archäologisches Museum (24-93). Mainz: CMS II,8; Müller W. (2004). Bemerkungen zu den Tonplomben und Siegelabdrücken auf Gefässen und ,Gewichten‘. W: I. Pini (red.), Kleinere griechische Sammlungen: Neufunde aus Griechenland und der westlichen Türkei (43-60). Mainz: CMS V Suppl. 3; Müller W., Pini I. (1997). Die ,Schnüre‘ in den Plomben und die Gegenstandsabdrücke. W: W. Müller, J.-P. Olivier, I. Pini, A. Sakellariou (red.), Die Tonplomben aus dem Nestorpalast von Pylos (67-69). Mainz: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern; Nosch M.-L. (2012). The textile logograms in the Linear B tablets: les idéogrammes archéologiques des textiles. W: P. Carlier, C. de Lamberterie, M. Egetmeyer, N. Guilleux, F. Rougemont, J. Zurbach (red.), Études Mycéniennes 2010. Actes du XIIIe Colloque International sur les textes égéens, Sèvres, Paris, Nanterre, 20-23 septembre 2010 (303-346). Pisa, Rome: Biblioteca di Pasiphae 10; Nosch M.-L., Laffineur R. (red.) (2012). KOSMOS. Jewellery, Adornment, and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference, University of Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, 21–26 April 2010. Leuven, Liège: Aegaeum 33; Nosch M.-L., Ulanowska A. (2021). The materiality of the Cretan Hieroglyphic script: textile production-related referents to hieroglyphic signs on seals and sealings from Middle Bronze Age Crete. W: P. Boyes, P. Steele, N.E. Astoreca (red.), The Social and Cultural Contexts of Historic Writing Practices (73-100). Oxford, Philadelphia: Oxbow Books; Palaima T. (1990). Aegean Seals, Sealings and Administration. Proceedings of the NEH-Dickson Conference of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory of the Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin, January 11–13, 1989. Liège: Aegaeum 5; Panagiotakopulu E., Buckland P.C., Day P.M., Doumas C., Sarpaki A., Skidmore P. (1997). A lepidopterous cocoon from Thera and evidence for silk in the Aegean Bronze Age. Antiquity, 71, 420-429; Panagiotopoulos D. (2014). Mykenische Siegelpraxis: Funktion, Kontext und administrative Verwendung mykenischer Tonplomben auf dem griechischen Festland und Kreta. München: Athenaia 5; Rast-Eicher A. (2007). Textilien, Wolle, Schafe der Eisenzeit in der Schweiz. Basel: Archäologie Schweiz; Rougemont F. (2014). Sheep rearing, wool production and management in Mycenaean written documents. W: C. Breniquet, C. Michel (red.), Wool Economy in the Ancient Near East and the Aegean. From the Beginnings of Sheep Husbandry to Institutional Textile Industry (340-370). Oxford, Philadelphia: Ancient Textiles Series 17; Shaw M.C., Chapin A.P. (2016). Woven Threads: Patterned Textiles of the Aegean Bronze Age. Oxford, Philadelphia: Ancient Textile Series 22; Skals I., Möller-Wiering S., Nosch M.-L. (2015). Survey of archaeological textile remains from the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean. W: E. Andersson Strand, M.-L. Nosch (red.), Tools, Textiles and Contexts: Investigating Textile Production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age (61-74). Oxford, Philadelphia: Ancient Textiles Series 21; Spantidaki Y., Moulherat Ch. (2012). Greece. W: M. Gleba, U. Mannering (red.), Textiles and Textile Production in Europe: From Prehistory to AD 400 (185-200). Oxford, Oakville: Ancient Textiles Series 11; Tzachili I. (1997). Υφαντική και υφάντρες στο Προϊστορικό Αιγαίο 2000–1000 π.Χ. Ηράκλειο: Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης; Ulanowska A. (2016). Włókiennictwo Grecji epoki brązu w (akademickiej) praktyce. Nowe refleksje nad zastosowaniem archeologii doświadczalnej w nauczaniu technologii dawnego włókiennictwa. W: M. Figueira, K. Żebrowska (red.), International Course in Archaeology. “Papers in Mediterranean Archaeology” (215-234). Catania: Syndesmoi 5; Ulanowska A. (2017). Textile technology and Minoan glyptic: representations of loom weights on Middle Minoan prismatic seals. W: K. Żebrowska, A. Ulanowska, K. Lewartowski (red.), Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology, vol. 1 (57-66). Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw; Ulanowska A. (2018). But how were they made? More about patterned textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age. Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, 31, 39-54; Ulanowska A. (2020a). A chaîne opératoire as a framework for investigating prehistoric textile production: Production of clay textile tools in Middle Bronze Age Crete as a ‘troublesome’ case study. Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 35.1, 212-226; Ulanowska A. (2020b). Textiles and Seals: Recognising the relationship between textile production and seals, and sealing practices in Bronze Age Greece. Revue de l’Archéologie du Vêtement et du Costume, 1, 1-25; Ulanowska A., Siennicka M. (2018). The economics of textiles in Bronze Age Greece. W: M.S. Busana, M. Gleba, F. Meo, A.R. Tricomi (red.), Textiles and Dyes in the Mediterranean Economy and Society. Proceedings of the VIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Padova–Este–Altino, Italy 17–20 October 2016) (39-48). València: PURPUREAE VESTES VI; Vakirtzi S., Georma F., Karnava A. (2018). Beyond textiles: alternative uses of twisted fibres and evidence from Akrotiri, Thera. Światowit, 56, 75-88; Vogelsang-Estwood G. (1999). The textile impression from Geraki. W: J. Weingarten, J.H. Crouwel, M. Prent, G. Vogelsang-Estwood, Early Helladic sealings from Geraki in Lakonia, Greece. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 18.4, 357-376; Weingarten J. (2000). Early Helladic II sealings from Geraki in Lakonia: Evidence for property, textile manufacture, and trade. W: W. Müller (red.), Minoisch-Mykenische Glyptik. Stil, Ikonographie, Funktion. V. Internationales Siegel-Symposium, Marburg, 23.-25. September 1999 (317-376). Berlin: CMS Beiheft 6; Weingarten J. (2018). Introductory remarks. W: M. Ameri, S. Kielt Costello, G. Jamison, S. Jarmer Scott (red.), Seals and Sealings in the Ancient World: Case Studies from the Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, and South Asia (327-333). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Weingarten J., Crouwel J.H., Prent M., Vogelsang-Eastwood G. (1999). Early Helladic sealings from Geraki in Lakonia, Greece. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 18.4, 357-376; Weingarten J., MacVeagh Thorne S., Prent M., Crouwel J.H. (2011). More Early Helladic sealings from Geraki in Laconia, Greece. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 30.2, 131-163; Younger J.G. (1991). A Bibliography for Aegean Glyptic in the Bronze Age. Berlin: CMS Beiheft 4; Younger J.G. (2018). Aegean Bronze Age seal stones and finger rings: Chronology and functions. W: M. Ameri, S. Kielt Costello, G. Jamison, S. Jarmer Scott (red.), Seals and Sealings in the Ancient World: Case Studies from the Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, and South Asia (334-354). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;;;

Academic Journal

Superior Title: IAiE PAN, call no. P 244 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 245 ; IAiE PAN, call no. P 243 ; ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 244 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 245 ; IAiE PAN, sygn. P 243

File Description: application/octet-stream

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Academic Journal

Contributors: Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Superior Title: IH PAN, sygn. B.88/54 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. B.89/54 ;

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Academic Journal

Contributors: Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Superior Title: IH PAN, sygn. B.88/54 Podr. ; IH PAN, sygn. B.89/54 ;

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